Place-Based, Not Place-Bound:

Local Pathways to Success


We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community-based college and career access organization located in Kodiak, Alaska (island population: 13,451 as of 2019).


Every student on Kodiak Island will have the opportunity to earn a college degree or workforce credential without having to leave the island, at little to no cost to the student or their family, and will be empowered to connect with the individualized guidance and resources necessary to persist to graduation.


We exist to increase postsecondary attainment on Kodiak Island through community partnership, resource connection, process navigation, and empowerment of students and their families.

We are mindful that our work both includes and is informed by our Indigenous Alaska Native communities, by our diverse Immigrant communities, and the core belief that every student is an individual with unique experience, needs and dreams.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusivity is rooted in the shared, place-based identity and strengths of our island students.

We endeavor to develop and strengthen the regional postsecondary support network of Kodiak by working in collaborative partnership with all stakeholders to prepare local high school and GED graduates for employment and career opportunities in our region that pay a living wage and provide opportunities for advancement.

We are committed to building lasting relationships and acting as a neutral and professional liaison between partners and agencies who serve Kodiak students and their families.

Robyn Callahan